Friday, November 14, 2014

Snake Fungal Disease

Recently snakes across the Midwest and Eastern United States have been catching a deadly fungal disease. This disease leaves it's victim with cloudy eyes and swollen scales that have turned white. It also causes a dark grey material to cover the inside of their mouths and the skin to start peeling away, which leaves behind bloody sores. This disease that scientists are calling snake fungal disease, first appeared in Georgia in 2006. Since the first encounter there have been snake fungal disease has been reported in nine states from Florida to New Jersey as well as Ohio, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. The fungal infection has been confirmed in more than fourteen species of snake. The disease started in venomous snakes then moved to the non-venomous. It kills most snakes that catch it, and with venomous snakes already being more endanger than some others it's something that scientists need to stop soon.

"Mysterious Fungal Disease Proves Deadly in Wild Snakes" by Laura Geggel. November 12, 2014.

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