Sunday, December 7, 2014

Dawson's Bees

Amegilla dawsoni, more commonly called Dawson's Burrowing Bees, are only found in one area of the world. In Western Australia these bees nest by the thousands. They nest underground in burrows which is where the "burrowing bee" comes from. What makes them so remarkable is all of them are female. All the males fight to the death in mating season. Only the strongest survive this process which ensures that the offspring will have the best genes. Some of the females even become casualties during this process, being decapitated during these brawls. As soon as a female emerges from the ground the males swarm. Fighting over her until only the strongest males remain. After mating season is over what is left of the male population dies out, leaving only the females. They have laid their eggs in the burrows underground away from danger and care for them there.

Lab Class Video - LIFE the Dawson's Bee segment.

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